
Showing posts from July, 2020

Waves of Want

I journey as thirst competes my burning feat Oftimes I feel that I have lost more miles than I’ve gained night scorns my endeavours to appease the bleeding hearts that yearn for brief relief, My own strength fails me, My midnight pacing imprinted in the marbled floors of my endurance My brow lined with the failed commitments of those who have left me to fend by myself, for myself, while they are rewarded by my earnest pleas; my slim palms sealed in prayer for their plight My troubled heart tossing and turning  as my trust scans their duplicity, only to turn away with disdain. My best efforts as dung before their misguided wants; Restless anguish wash over my harvest of disappointment and betrayal. Yet what are we if we cannot be and give our best, even in wistful smiles, and wishes for undefiled devotion, But then these wishing waves recede, the desert blooms, sadness fades into oblivion, and the knight rides with unbridled passion and,  all is well, until that