
Her silent whimper went unheard;
tongs pierced translucent skin and like a vengeful act imbedded fragile bones,
Steel wrenched an arm from its shoulder.
Her mother's silence hurt more than this obliteration - 
more than the inch by inch rip of leg from hip....
blinded eyes screaming in shock.

“Mommy please!” –
Her heart pounding strong;
Her soul unbreakable,
“Stop! Mommy please”, she sobbed
Isabella stared aimlessly - as if her very soul had been plucked from the earth.

Tiny fingers curled tightly around it's life support
the cord froze in places it touched. Life lost its grip.
But her memory stubbornly held on. 
She tried one more time as her voice trailed off -
Terminated yet present.  

With a thrust and twist of his curette
"The Chief" breaks her spine
and crushes her skull;
His scissors snip, snap then scrape her from her safe haven - her incubator;
warm flesh sucked into a tubular world.
One more bottled display.  Shelved for the world to see.  Technology at its grandest.
What a parade of fools who cannot fathom the beating of a soul,  
not Its endlessness, neither it's beginning,
Un-named yet not nameless.

"Mommy" - 
Lost promises 
"Mommy" - 
betrayal and aloneness
the unborn voice cries, 
"I will never leave you".
"Well done Isabella, you may rest for a while before you dress".  
The nurse - decked in flawless hospitality.

Her legs felt like jelly, her heart like lead.
What was that weight she felt inside her belly 
"Go where you grow wings", she begged her empty womb, 
"You're better off than I am".
the ungrown heart breaks.
"The Chief changed his gown, scrubbed his hands then continued on his rounds.
Sushine and the bustle of human traffic a welcome distraction. 
There is a world of ceaseless wonder where child spirits traipse.
An Eden from which they love their beloved's.

"You will be fine",  her friend reassured.

Isabella absently gazed up then sorrowfully touched her emptiness, 

"I shall call you Christine". 


(C) Jambiya Kai


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